by Arjun Janah, July 2013 As the long, dread shadow of Detroit falls over the cities, a flickering candle is lit in Bridgeport, Connecticut.Will we allow it to be blown out, as Arne Duncan and so many who have power, wealth and access to the media would wish? The requirement that a school superinte

(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the May 2013 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: Leaflet 2013 May Post-Victory Demonstrations UFT and CTU election results in New York City and Chicago gave landslide victories to Michael Mulgrew and Karen Lewis. Mulgrew won with nearly

(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the May 2013 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: Leaflet 2013 May UFT Elections New Action will have 10 seats on the new UFT Executive Board: Keith Fessel, Joel Garcia, Bill Goldman, Regina Gori, Jonathan Halabi, Douglas Haynes, Kate Mar