New Action Caucus
    Written by New Action Caucus
    Published on October 11, 2024
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    Unions have a democratic economic formula. Member dues are the main source of income for the union's operations, which keeps union officials beholden to/ accountable to one special interest--the members interest--and ensures they are attentive. It keeps the organization honest. People say follow the money. If we follow the money,


Unions have a democratic economic formula. Member dues are the main source of income for the union’s operations, which keeps union officials beholden to/ accountable to one special interest–the members interest–and ensures they are attentive. It keeps the organization honest. Peopl

September 30, 2024 Dear New Action Member and Friends, Hold the date – Wednesday, October 9 – for our first general membership meeting of the newschool year. Our special guest will be Bennett Fischer, newly elected chair of the RetiredTeachers’ Chapter (RTC) of the UFT. Bennett will update

Dear UFT Chapter Leaders, Delegates, and Activists, Welcome back! The New Action/ UFT caucus is a network of union-proud organizers, and we want to make sure you know about us. Our caucus is the oldest progressive opposition caucus in the United Federation of Teachers – in existence since the mid

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