Resolution on Discontinued Probationary Staff Members
New Action wrote the original version of this resolution (March 28, 2016), and supported the revised version which was passed by the Executive Board (April 4, 2016) and by the Delegate Assembly (April 20, 2016.) It does not go far enough. As long as we have abusive and incompetent principals with the power to arbitrarily discontinue we will have a big problem. But this is an important start, publicly committing the UFT to trying to help, and publicly recognizing that there is a problem with incompetent administrators. New Action’s Greg Di Stefano (MORE/New Action candidate for Assistant Treasurer) has been actively working on this issue for two years, meeting with a deputy commissioner, several times with the Secretary of the UFT, organizing a press conference, a rally, and speaking at PEPs.
Resolution on Discontinued Probationary Staff Members
WHEREAS, a number of Probationary Teachers have been discontinued over the last several years; and
WHEREAS, some of these teachers were in schools with abusive, incompetent and in some cases corrupt principals; and
WHEREAS, many of these teachers were discontinued receiving no support or mentoring, a clear violation of City and State Education Law; and
WHEREAS, New York State Law states that discontinued teachers should have the opportunity to work in another NYC district or work under another license they may have; and
WHEREAS, the last administration under Michael Bloomberg purposely prevented this from happening; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the UFT will continue to explore all avenues for these teachers to exercise their right to have the opportunity to work in other districts in full time positions or as per diem substitutes; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the UFT will continue to work with the DOE to ensure that legal, proper and fair practices are in place with regards to teacher discontinuances and that probationary teachers be treated with respect and professionalism.
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