From the May 2012 New Action Delegate Assembly leaflet.
For the entire leaflet, click: Leaflet 2012 May (sign the petition against Mayoral Control, support the resolution against Stop and Frisk, and this piece)

employees who have been the subject of disciplinary action will be identified with a flag symbol in Galaxy – PWeekly, 5/1/12


The DOE unilaterally announced a new policy regarding employees who have been the subject of disciplinary action in the Principals Weekly. Employees who have been the subject of disciplinary action will have a flag symbol placed next to their names in Galaxy. “Disciplinary action” could be as little as a letter in file, or verbal reprimand. This “flag” will defame teachers based in some cases only on accusations, in others based on a deal reached to accept a lesser charge to return to work. And employees who are flagged will find it difficult, if not impossible to transfer.

We, the UFT, must consider all possible routes to address this, given that the DOE so often refuses to hold reasonable discussions with us. Our members need a strong response, to stop Bloomberg and Walcott from implementing this injustice.

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