Report from UFT October 7 Executive Board
Open mike – there was only one speaker, Marjorie Stamberg, who spoke about the repression of teachers in Mexico, especially from the south (I think she mentioned Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas). Marjorie spent time this summer in Mexico. She said that she would bring the information to the Comm
Brief Reports from UFT Executive Boards
New Action Caucus has ten seats on the UFT Executive Board – the only ten seats that do not belong to Unity Caucus. Ten is not enough to win anything – but it allows our voice to be heard, it allows us to put forward resolutions, and when there is agreement, to put forward resolutions [&
MORE’s Hidden Secret
The MORE caucus and the bloggers who write for them want UFT members to believe they are a brand new caucus. The truth is MORE consists of several formations and groups that have a track record. One spokesperson/blogger recently alluded to the record of two of their members when they held seats on t
New Action at the UFT Exec Board 2011- 2012
SOME ISSUES TAKEN UP BY OUR NEW ACTION/UFT EXEC BOARD MEMBERS Part II 2011 – 2012 September 2011 New Action meets at Columbus HS to plan action against Principal John Chase who is charged with sexual harassment. New Action wins support to publicize the struggle of Local 372 of District Cou
New Action at the UFT Exec Board – this year
WHAT NEW ACTION/UFT HAS DONE FOR THE MEMBERSHIP SINCE 2010 -13 SOME ISSUES TAKEN UP BY OUR NEW ACTION/UFT EXEC BOARD MEMBERS Part III – September 2012 – March 2013 September 2012 New Action wins bipartisan support in solidarity with Chicago teachers New Action introduces resolution t
WHAT NEW ACTION HAS DONE FOR THE MEMBERSHIP SINCE 2007 September 2007 New Action challenges the “for profit” merger of GHI/HIP September 2007 New Action speaks for resolution supporting Jena 6 September 2007 Conducts a New Action survey on problems unique to campus schools cont