Who actually needs time to read a contract anyways? – Executive Board Meeting, 1-9-2023
Summary: The full minutes are below, but here are some highlights: Full minutes below: Open Mike Victoria (Librarian): 22 year veteran. Came in as a teacher. Always felt like I had a union presence in district 85. Feel like I’ve been thrown into the waters since I’ve moved into being a librarian
Is Tier 6 ‘good enough?’ And other questions of disproportionate impacts on UFT members. – 12-12-2022 Executive Board Minutes
Introductory Notes: Today’s executive board meeting followed a certain theme of disproportionality. Minutes: All minutes approved. LeRoy Barr: No President’s report – vacancy announced for high school executive board. Nominations at next board. If need be there will be a final executive board
Minutes UFT Executive Board of December 5, 2022
Thanks to Mike Shulman for preparing the minutes below. Nick Bacon was unable to attend and take his usual minutes due to illness. President Mulgrew is not present—so no President’s report. Staff Director Leroy Barr is not present—so no Staff Director’s report. The session is chaired by Mich
UFT Executive Board Minutes – Unity Caucus Votes Down UFC Resolutions to Fight Abusive Administrators and Fund Our Healthcare
UFT Executive Board Minutes – 11/21/2022 Sill: Calls for minutes. All Minutes approved. Mulgrew (President’s Report): CEC tonight, so short report. Schools doing their own policy books – no such thing, there are strict guidelines. Had this issue a couple years ago which superseded our contract
Executive Session Inexplicably Called Tonight
Tonight, 11-7-22, we are being told that it may be an executive session for the UFT executive board meeting. We have not been told why or been given any notice. This means that no observers will be allowed. We will try to present some regular non-session business tonight including the bottom two res
Union leadership votes to disenfranchise high school executive board members – Executive Board Minutes – 10/24/2022
LeRoy: Welcomes. Remembering Barbara Meily, moment of silence. Open Mic: Alison Dimas: IC in division of early childhood. On Sep. 6 we received excessing notices. Attempts to get on excess markets was unsuccessful, we weren’t listed properly. We only ever received proper attention from UFT when we
Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare – UFT Executive Board Minutes, 10/3/2022
Open Mic: Approval of Minutes: approved Special Order of Business: Election – complaints: new set of complaints, there will be a final third set. (One set was already voted on last year). Typically election complaints are usually investigated by the Secretary and UFT Counsel, so UFT employed
Substitute Rights, Healthcare, Buses, 6th Classes, and a No to Action Committee – UFT Executive Board, 9/19/2022
Open Mic: Crystal Mendez Covington: Occupational therapist who has a child who is supposed to receive bussing. Matron has been great. Son has not been picked up. The offer is he is only being picked up at very odd hours – hours after school day begins. Having to take time off to bring him to [&hel
Healthcare Changes and Class Size Reductions – UFT Executive Board Minutes, 9-12-2022
UFT Executive Board Minutes, 9-12-2022 (Unedited). LeRoy: Welcomes all new members of the executive board following the election. Looks forward to working with all of us. Moment of silence and remembrance for: Florence Vidal and Sherry Bailey Vincent Gaglione: Florence Vidal was a para in District 6