UFT Leadership to Paras: ‘you already have it pretty good – don’t usurp our bargaining authority by fighting for a living wage!’ – DA Summary/Minutes/Analysis, 3/20/24
Summary/Analysis: The headline from tonight comes from the very end of the meeting – Unity’s bizarre handling of the paraprofessional resolution. Readers may remember that I motivated Migda Rodriguez, Marie Wausnok, and Daniel Alicea’s resolution at executive board on Monday, only to see i
Will the UFT Fight for Paras to Have a Living Wage? UFT Executive Board Summary, Analysis, and Informal Minutes, 3/18/24
Summary/Analysis: There’s more to analyze, as always, but I’ll leave the rest to the reader. For the full informal minutes, including the official minutes from previous meetings as approved just after the open mic period, see below. Open Mic: Name intentionally redacted: teacher who made comment
What are we actually doing to fix Tier 6?
For months now, UFT members have been told that ‘Tier 6 will be fixed,’ and that for UFT, NYSUT, or the AFL-CIO to get it fixed, we’d need to donate to COPE. In a longer piece, I wrote about this general strategy, which unfortunately had all the fixings of an advertisement to get members to [&
Register for NAC/UFT’s General Meeting This Tuesday, 3/12/2024 at 5:30 PM
JOIN US TUESDAY, 03.12.24 AT 5:30 PM – New Action-UFT members and supporters, our next general meeting will take place, Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM. We will discuss a number of our initiatives on healthcare, pension, chapter elections, abusive administration, and more. Join us. We w
NAC-UFT launches school chapter election mobilization campaign
This spring, UFT members will once again be electing their union representatives at the school level and for functional chapters. Every three years, each individual school elects its chapter leader, delegate(s), paraprofessional representative. Functional chapters and retirees also elect their repre
NAC/UFT general Meeting on March 12th at 5:30
The next New Action general meeting is on March 12th at 5:30 PM. We will discuss a number of our initiatives on healthcare, pension, chapter elections, abusive administration, and more. Make sure you are on our email list if you would like a link. Sign up to become a member through our website today
Let’s get Ben on the ballot
Help get fellow teacher and New Action/UFT Executive Board member, Ben Morgenroth, on the ballot for the May NYC TRS board election as part of the three teacher trustees who oversee the more than $100 billion in our pension fund. Ben is supported by members across the City’s schools, across m
UFT Leadership: No, we won’t rally to stop budget cuts. 2-26-2024 Executive Board Minutes
Summary and Analysis: Informal Minutes begin Meeting starts late because LeRoy Barr and Mike Sill are both stuck in an elevator. Carl Cambria: Approval of the minutes. President’s Report: Mulgrew not here. Janella Hinds: March is Women’s History Month. Majority of union is women. We are going to
The Wall Street Journal declared 2023 “The Year of the Strike,” touting the successes of labor unions across the U.S. The United Auto Workers (UAW), Teamsters, Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and Writers Guild of America (WGA) all earned tremendous victories for their workers. Members of the UAW, SAG
UFT – Want Tier 6 Pensions Fixed? Do More than Just Donate to COPE.
The majority of UFT members have a pension problem. Tier 6 members, who now make up most of the UFT, pay exorbitant ‘pension taxes’ in the form of over-contributions for their entire careers, while traditional Tier 4 members had stopped paying into their pensions at ten years and never at the hi