Our latest: Health Care, post-Election, School Aides
We’ve posted our latest leaflet, from the November Delegate Assembly. Highlights: On the UFT Resolution on Health Care: We support this… particularly… calling for a national demonstration in Washington, DC… [We] attempted to include a call for a single payer plan at the l
on The Negotiating Committee and its Executive Committee
by Jonathan Halabi Halabi is a 13-year math teacher in the Bronx. He is Chapter Leader at the HS of American Studies at Lehman College and was Deputy Chapter Leader and Delegate at Columbus HS before that. He currently serves on the executive board of New Action/UFT and on the UFT Executive Board, a
New Action Statement on the Mayoral Election
New Action is proud of the fact that we endorsed William Thompson early in the mayoral race. We distributed thousands of leaflets for Thompson in the schools, leafleted at two Delegate Assemblies, and collected nearly 150 signatures for him from chapter leaders and delegates. Our work helped make th
Negotiations 101 – a personal reminisce
by David Kaufman David is a co-chair of New Action/UFT. He currently is a member of the UFT Executive Board and is co-chair of the UFT Action Committee and an active member of the Organizing Committee. He spent most of his 35 years teaching Science at MS 135X (now Whalen Educational Campus) where he
Resolution on Health Care
New Action co-authored the UFT Resolution on Health Care this past September. We reprint the resolution with brief comments here.
On Contract Negotiations
by Michael Shulman Mike is a co-chair of New Action/UFT. A 36 year teacher and recent retiree. He was a former Vice President of the UFT from 1985-87. He currently is a member of the UFT Executive Board and is co-chair of the UFT Organizing Committee. Two things are clear in this current contract: F
Resolution on Agreement Securing Pension Benefits and Ending Two Work Days Before Labor Day
On Monday, June 22, 2009 the UFT’s Executive Board overwhelmingly approved a resolution that created a new pension tier (of poorer quality) for future UFT hirees. It also, effective immediately, ended the requirement to report to work on the two days before Labor Day. New Action/UFT enthusiastical
The Executive Board of New Action/UFT, including its eight members currently serving on the United Federation of Teachers Executive Board have unanimously endorsed the candidacy of William Thompson for Mayor of the City of New York. Thompson the recipient of the UFT’s prestigious John Dewey Awar
Klein must go!
Klein must go! No matter what contract is negotiated, New Action believes Chancellor Klein must be replaced. We have stated on several occasions that we cannot tolerate him for another four years. No chancellor has done more to destroy, ignore, and disrespect teachers, parents and students. Chance
This is the website of New Action, a caucus in the United Federation of Teachers, the teachers’ union in New York City. This front page includes current notices and comments and discussion by members, supporters, and interested unionists. Search this site (right) or click above and explore: &#