New Action/UFT also urges all delegates to support the resolution on Puerto Rican teachers. We are proud to have initiated this resolution at the UFT Executive Board. Puerto Rican governor Fortuno has fired the entire leadership of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). The teaching licenses o

by Babui / Arjun Workers, disunited, to predators, are prey. They’re easiest to capture, when caught in disarray. Workers, when united, are forceful and escape The fate of those that singly dare to masters disobey. The snake engulfs the frog, the spotted leopard stalks the deer. Who’s pr

by Arjun Janah, Brooklyn, February 26th, 2011 In 1959, Wisconsin became the first U.S. state to grant municipal employees and teachers the right to bargain collectively for wages and benefits. In 1967, this was extended to all state employees.  It is perhaps worth noting that the first law was pass

Stand with Wisconsin. Governor Walker is putting forward legislation to end collective bargaining and the right to belong to a union. He must be stopped. Sign the petition. They will send you updates. The website is called “We are Wisconsin.”