Striking is not Antiquated: L.A. education workers prove UFT leadership wrong with 30% Salary Increases
Last week, we had the displeasure of hearing the party of our union leadership argue against members having the right to strike. In the land of pattern bargaining, striking is antiquated, said one. It’s white privilege, said another. We don’t need the right, because we’d strike anyways if thin
Why is Mulgrew Exaggerating the cost of going to CityMD?
Last week at the DA, Mulgrew claimed that CityMD costs were so high that he was glad to hike our copays up to $100. In fact, he’d prefer if our copays were $400. That implies a pretty substantial amount of cost. He threw some numbers out there — like $680 for a COVID test — [&helli
UFT Members Deserve to Vote on Healthcare Changes
The cochairs of NAC ask that you please sign the petition to give UFT members a right to vote on healthcare changes, as reported in The City today. Some Faqs on why we need this vote are noted below (written in collaboration with other UFC-affiliated writers of the petition). UFT MEMBERS FOR PREMIUM
Why ‘the UFT’ can threaten to sue its elected opposition representatives without a vote – and other notes from the 3/20/2023 UFT Executive Board Meeting
Quick Summary/Analysis: There was a bunch of debate about why the UFT is using our dues/resources to threaten to sue its own members (members who happen to be in the opposition) without any known process of coming to that decision. Two members came in to plead to keep our healthcare (traditional Med
Why doesn’t UFT leadership want us to have the right to strike?
At last week’s DA, James Cole of MORE proposed an amendment to a resolution celebrating the UFT’s 60th anniversary. Had it passed, the amendment would have added language that recognized the role of striking in the formation and early success of the UFT. More controversially, it would have also
UFT Leadership to Members: CityMD Copays should be $400; we’re better off without the right to strike. Notes on the 3-15-2023 Delegate Assembly.
Quick Summary/Analysis: Big news tonight on healthcare. Mulgrew not only justified our new $100 copays to CityMD, but said if he had the power, he’d make it $400. Not sure teachers and paraprofessionals agree there, but hey, read the minutes and see what you think. Kate Connors had an extremely in
Union elections have consequences. One of those consequences is apparently getting your healthcare and retirement benefits stripped away without a membership vote.
Today, the Municipal Labor Commission (MLC) voted to force hundreds of thousands of retirees off of traditional public Medicare and onto one of two privatized Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPs). (Full analysis of those two plans and the UFT’s role: here). Most of the City unions did not vote in f
It now costs $100 for UFT to use an Urgent Care. A few months ago it was $50. UFT, it’s time to start paying attention.
Prepping for the New Action meeting Thursday, March 9 at 5:30 PM, so just a quick note. A few months ago, Mulgrew announced that some urgent care copays would now double from 50 to 100 bucks. Most of us were annoyed, but we didn’t really notice, because leadership assured us that this wasnR
UFT/MLC to Greenlight MAP Nuclear Option
Medicare Advantage has arrived in New York, handing over eviction papers to traditional Medicare in the process. UFT bureaucrats are already informing retired members that the plan is imminent. By September, 2023, barring a win from opposition, it’s all but certain that UFT retirees will be ripped
New Action Caucus Meeting – Thursday, 3/9, 5:30 -7:00 PM
New Action Caucus will have our monthly meeting this Thursday, 3/9/23 at 5:30 PM. UFT-represented newcomers are welcome and can sign up to attend here. We will discuss a number of topics and potential actions around: We will also leave plenty of time for questions. Note: for New Action members affec