Is it time to put large schools back together?
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the June 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: June June 2015 Leaflet Front On June 1, 2015, New Action introduced a resolution (here) to consider the circumstances of campus high schools. In the last 15 years many of large high sc
Congratulations, after a long year
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the June 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: June June 2015 Leaflet Front Congratulations to Reelected and Newly Elected Chapter Leaders! What a big responsibility! Chapter Leaders are the backbone of our union. Take a deep breat
Support Tottenville Teachers, Standing up for Respect
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the March 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: May 2015 Leaflet UFT members want to be listened to. It is frustrating to be ignored. It is infuriating to watch bad ideas implemented without consultation. It is demoralizing not to b
Winner-Take-All is Undemocratic
The United Federation of Teachers sends hundreds of delegates to the New York State United Teachers Representative Assembly and to the American Federation of Teachers Convention. And of those hundreds of delegates, all, every one, vote exactly the same way on every issue. The UFT has Vice Presidents
Teacher Diversity in Our Schools
Under Bloomberg/Klein the number of teachers of color in our system fell dramatically. The UFT’s Social and Economic Justice Committee (which New Action co-chairs) played a leading role making the issue of diversity of the NYC teaching staff a UFT priority, bringing it to our Delegate Assembly in
Eliminate Abusive Administrators
Eliminate Abusive Administrators Experience and research show that ONLY collaborative relationships in a school foster a healthy work environment, benefitting staff and students. Unfortunately many Leadership Academy principals hired by Bloomberg and Klein are not collaborative. They were hired to g
Resolution in support of Unit Costing for the NYC Department of Education
The following resolution was submitted to the April 27, 2015 UFT Executive Board. Jonathan Halabi (me) motivated, and began by excusing the technical nature of the details. 1. School Closures + 2. Unit Costing + 3. End of Seniority Transfers + 4. Fair Student Funding have led to a crazy system where
Support the Resolution to Protect Planned Parenthood
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the March 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: March 2015 Leaflet On March 10, 2015, New Action/UFT introduced a resolution denouncing the attacks on Planned Parenthood. Since the Republicans in the House and Senate have set their
Abusive Administrators
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the March 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: March 2015 Leaflet With so many abusive and non-collaborative administrators, isn’t it time to reinstate the union’s Principals in Need of Improvement (PINI) program? Unity leaders
Support the I Refuse Resolution
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the February 2015 Delegate Assembly). For a printable version click: February 2015 Leaflet (Front) and (back) New Action supports putting the I Refuse Resolution on this afternoon’s agenda. To be clear, the “I Refuse” speaks to supporting par