We win! No layoffs! (but the war with Bloomberg continues)
June, 28 2011 We won. Yesterday four thousand teachers were wondering how they would pay rent or mortgages this summer. And today they know – their jobs are safe. We won by demonstrating, by phone banking, by winning over the City Council. We have won a big battle. But the war with the mayor con
Oppose ‘Mandate Relief’ – New Action Exec Board member
Testimony before New York State Regents opposing Proposal #1 mandate relief – to remove School Psychologists from CSEs. Good evening, my name is Maria Ramos, I have been a School Psychologist for 16 years and before that I was a general education teacher. I am an employee of the NYC Department of
Layoffs? Fight back!
by Jonathan Halabi Mayor Bloomberg has announced his preliminary budget, with a reduction from 75,000 to 69,000 teachers, with over 4000 of that reduction to come from layoffs. Some things we can do: Demonstrate Thursday May 12. There will be actions downtown. Ask your Chapter Leader, who should be
A Real Peoples’ Victory/Good Riddance Cathie Black
by Michael Shulman The resignation of Cathy Black was nothing short of a peoples’ victory. In a nutshell, Black was unqualified for the job as Chancellor. This was apparent to everyone, with the exception of Mike Bloomberg. His choice of Black showed his arrogance and utter contempt for students,
The Chief Administrator is ‘MOST Abusive Administrator’
by Anna-Maria Thomas When we speak of ‘Abusive Administrators’ only one name comes to mind: Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg represents EVERYTHING which is wrong with our NYC Public School System. May I take this moment to add the entire public school system across this country is in the han
UFT, Chapter Leaders, under attack. Time for New Action!
UFT Under Attack Chapter Leaders Bear the Brunt of Abusive Administrators It’s time for New Action! For years the Bloomberg administration has been waging war to destroy the UFT and its members: breaking up large high schools (once our most militant division) and creating a whole new set of “cam
Speak The Truth!
by Arjun Janah, Brooklyn, March 9, 2011 In Wisconsin, teachers stood For weeks in snow, misunderstood. And other workers stood beside. They said, “The truth, you cannot hide!” So in the states, the people rise, But in the center, there’s surprise. Obama, like the Clintons, eyes The
New Action/UFT also urges all delegates to support the resolution on Puerto Rican teachers. We are proud to have initiated this resolution at the UFT Executive Board. Puerto Rican governor Fortuno has fired the entire leadership of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). The teaching licenses o
Wisconsin proves that today we must have a strong union movement. Public employees, especially educators, are under attack all across our country. Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Florida are also suffering attacks on pensions, health care plans, seniority, and our long and hard fought right to coll