Commentary and Notes on the UFT Delegate Assembly, 5-25-2022
Short Version: Though there were some decent resolutions passed on Asian American curriculum and gun control, from an opposition perspective, this was a very disappointing May Delegate Assembly. The reports lasted until 5:00. There was no attention to critical subjects like the impending MOSL nightm
What does ‘Unity’ look like? – Executive Board Minutes, 5/23/2022
LeRoy Barr: We will begin with an open mic. There are two speakers, so you each only get 5 minutes. This is not a debate portion. We will ultimately have a conversation about the online policy. We have to make sure people can be allowed in, but also have to verify that they are UFT. […]
UFT Executive Board Minutes 5-9-2022: Election Complaints, PERB, and APPR
6:01 LeRoy Barr: Open mic period: Norm Scott supposed to speak, but isn’t here. Mike Schirtzer mentions he’s running late. Leroy says if he’s running ten minutes late for the ten minute period, maybe we’ll give him 60 seconds? (Laughter). Minutes approved. Mary Atkinson: Had
UFT, Let’s Join NYS in Cancelling Overall Ratings This Year
As reported on the ICE blog, NYS has passed a bill in both houses that allows districts to waive APPR (teacher evaluations) this year. Last year, a similar bill was passed, but the Unity machine argued that we should have them in NYC anyways. I still remember the arguments: observations are good for
Why is there so little time to get a new ballot if you didn’t get one in the mail? Executive Board Meeting Minutes 4/25/2022
Approval of the Minutes: All approved unanimously. LeRoy Barr: Welcome back. Reminder of dates: 5k Walk on May 14th at MCU Park in Coney Island at 8:30 AM. Spring Conference is on May 21st at the NY Hilton at 8:00 AM. Nurse Award Dinner on May 17th. Reach out to Ann Goldman for questions. Better [&h
Want a say in the UFT? Before you leave for Spring Break, vote UFC!
In 2019, active member turnout in the UFT elections was 17.7%. Our teachers and other educational professionals are overwhelmingly proud unionists, so why this low turnout? It can’t just be the ballot, which can easily be filled out. It can’t just be the lack of electronic voting as an o
April DA, 2022 – The Bizarro DA
It’s late, and I’ve got campaigning and packing left to do before a much needed Spring Break, so I’ll keep this short. James Eterno has already posted comprehensive minutes for those who want to see more detail. So, just some comments from me. We got what appeared to be a UFC-infor
Executive Board Minutes, 4-11-2022
6:02 PM, Mulgrew starts (on way to another meeting): Over the weekend had a phenomenal high school ceremony, thanks Janella Hinds, talks of all the fun. Said lots of fun at middle school event, thanks Rich. Had a whole bunch of friends at Black and Puerto Rican caucus, says to make sure to get teste
New Action Flyer, March 2022
New Action/UFT …a caucus of the United Federation of Teachers 615 77th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11209 March 2022 NEW ACTION/UFT PROPOSALS FOR CONTRACT DEMANDS Pay raises in line with su
Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 3/28/2022 – Election Complaints
A. Routine Items 1. Approval of the Minutes (March 19) – All minutes (eboard and adcom) passed unanimously Announcements: Negotiating committee will be starting at 4:30 on Wednesday, all in person, giving time for people to come from the outer boroughs. Next eboard is March, next DA is April 1