Why isn’t the UFT opposition united this year?: A Statement by the New Action Caucus of the UFT

Why isn’t there a united opposition slate for the UFT elections this year? Well, there kind of is—but it’s complicated.

The 2025 UFT elections present one of the greatest opportunities in our union’s history. After decades of decline in real wages, benefits, and working conditions, Unity Caucus—who has controlled the UFT for so long it predates Woodstock—is finally at risk of being ousted. Two major election upsets in chapters previously dominated by Unity—like the Retired Teachers and Paraprofessionals chapters—showed that union members were ready for a change. With these victories, it became clear that unseating Mulgrew and Unity Caucus was possible.

Over the summer, discussions began between various groups representing hundreds of members, as well as a handful of independents, about forming a coalition to challenge Unity. New Action, Retiree Advocate, and MORE eventually agreed to work together. There were also a few independents in the mix—many of whom were former Unity Caucus members, some with powerful past positions. Though some of these individuals had particularly dubious track records, they were seen by many as ‘prodigal sons/daughters’ who had become valuable allies. But it soon became evident that these individuals were not not as ‘prodigal’ as they appeared. Indeed, they brought much of Unity’s baggage with them—entitlement, secrecy, a disdain for opposition, and aggressive tactics that they deployed against their own union brothers and sisters.

Then, one day, this small group seized the coalition’s name (‘ABC’) and many of the coalition’s organizing resources, announcing their slate in secret, without consulting the rest of us. Despite our repeated attempts to collaborate and extend olive branches, it has always been to no avail. Instead of seeking resolutions, they have responded with verbally abusive, quasi-coercive tactics, the likes of which have no place in the union movement. They have chosen to actively divide the opposition at a time when a united front could truly challenge Unity’s dominance in UFT elections.

There have been whispers questioning whether these ‘former’ Unity members and their allies are intentionally trying to split the opposition, allowing Unity to retain control. While this intent is probably unlikely for most of the people involved, core ‘ABC’ members have nevertheless shown a willingness to sabotage efforts to unite, sometimes endangering long-term union organizing beyond the 2025 elections. This is evident in their recent actions aimed at siphoning delegates from the Retiree Advocate caucus, a move that could potentially hand the Retired Teachers Chapter back to Unity and jeopardize healthcare for retirees.

Everyday members who have been swept up by ABC’s aggressive marketing campaigns might see a polished, well-organized group at meetings. But we, who have been part of these efforts from the start, have seen the darker side of this faction. A rogue group of former Unity folks, unjoined by the majority of opposition caucuses, shouldn’t be trusted with the future of the UFT.

But, you can still join or support a united coalition that seeks to improve our union. 

Comprising three major UFT caucuses, all open for anyone to join, ARISE brings decades of experience and a shared commitment to bettering conditions for NYC educators. Our coalition includes:

  • Retiree Advocate: the caucus of UFT retirees that won the leadership of the Retired Teachers Chapter – along with its 300 delegates to the UFT Delegate Assembly – in last spring’s chapter elections. RA’s victory came on the heels of three years of advocacy in the fight to preserve traditional Medicare for NYC municipal retirees, and compelled the UFT to abandon its support of the city’s for-profit Medicare Advantage plan. Its actions have helped to ensure the preservation of healthcare for both current and future retirees.
  • Movement of Rank and File Educators: one of the largest caucuses in the UFT,  MORE has been fighting for racial and social justice within the union and education system in New York City since its founding in 2011. MORE members currently serve on the UFT Executive Board and as Chapter Leaders and Delegates at numerous schools. With a commitment to school-based organizing, MORE works to develop leaders at the school level to transform our schools and our union. 
  • New Action: one of the longest running caucuses in the UFT, with roots back to the 1970s, New Action has a storied history of organizing our union, both past and present. We have fought to achieve pay parity with surrounding districts, supported school chapters fighting abusive administrations, led voting campaigns that resulted in successful contract renegotiations, and made calls for major pension reforms. New Action has run in and won in UFT elections for decades, using officer and Executive Board seats to advocate for our members.

Our groups are united by a powerful vision of a just and democratic UFT that champions fair pay, better working conditions, and access to high-quality, premium-free healthcare from our first days on the job to our golden years of retirement. But our vision reaches even further: we believe that the work we do to strengthen and uplift UFT members will create a ripple effect, transforming not only our workplaces but also the communities we serve, creating a more equitable and thriving New York City for all.

NAC invites you to join our slate and fight for a better tomorrow in the UFT. 

1 Comment

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    Bronx Public Teacher

    Two opposition groups running against Unity will be a disaster and Unity will win again. I can not emphasize enough about the fact that most teachers in NYC are not active in union politics and probably don’t even know that Mulgrew/Unity are the same thing. There are many teachers who do NOT like Mulgrew and will want to have a single choice/slate to vote for instead of him. Having two different choices other than Unity will confuse folks and some will probably not vote at all due to this. A united front is the only way to beat the Unity machine. During the last UFT Presidential Election, United For Change got 30% of the total vote against Unity which was the highest percentage in decades. UFC was a united front consisting of all the major opposition caucuses and they put up a fight that gained the attention/respect of both Unity big wigs and the rank and file as well. It is a shame that those in ABC and ARISE can’t hash out their differences and join together for the big fight that could actually result in a win this year.

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