Support the Resolution to Protect Planned Parenthood
(from the New Action leaflet distributed at the March 2015 UFT Delegate Assembly).
For a printable version click: March 2015 Leaflet
On March 10, 2015, New Action/UFT introduced a resolution denouncing the attacks on Planned Parenthood. Since the Republicans in the House and Senate have set their sights on defunding Planned Parenthood and have several bills in the Congress to completely get rid of the program it is important that the UFT use its influence to stop this and involve the AFT and NYSUT and publicize this fight among our members and our allies in labor and our allies in the community, at large. The resolution is on tonight’s agenda – we urge you to support it.
Please let people make the best decisions for themselves. You aren’t in their situation and have no right to prevent them from getting the help that they need. Leave planned parenthood alone.