Out-Negotiated, Again: How Other Unions’ Recent Contracts Outperform the UFT’s
UFT members have our new contract. Mulgrew’s Koolaid vendors will tell you it’s the best deal we’ve ever had. But, the truth is that it’s a snore of an agreement, complete with inflation-adjusted pay cuts despite very few gains and even some losses. Other teacher contracts over the course of
Why Don’t UFT Staffers Have Due Process? – UFT Executive Board Meeting,10-23-2023
Summary/Analysis: The main topic of tonight’s executive board meeting was Amy Arundell. I have to give Amy credit. Despite everything, she came to the meeting tonight and sat through it all. And there was a lot. During the open mic, several speakers spoke at their dismay about Amy’s reassig
UFT: Are you ready to lose GHI-CBP?
On Wednesday, October 11th, following an audio leak of internal talks about the Request For Proposal (RFP) to select new healthcare insurance providers, UFT President Michael Mulgrew told us more about the pending healthcare switch than he has in a long time. Don’t get me wrong—that is
UFT Healthcare Changes, Teachers Choice, and the Conflict in Israel/Gaza – UFT Delegate Assembly Notes, 10-11-2023
Summary/Highlights: At today’s DA, we learned a few things: Informal minutes follow. Mulgrew: Welcome to first DA of the school year. A lot of stuff to do today. There was a big press conference here today. In 2011 when there was a really algorithm and started messing with children and making a de
Do As I Say – Not as I do: UFT Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 10-2-2023
Today’s executive board meeting had many themes. In the end, though, I realized that perhaps the best theme of the night was ‘do as I say, not as I do.’ We heard about resolutions to fix what’s wrong with the City opening school during life threatening storms, without specifying how the unio
What should the UFT do in the midst of climate/weather emergency?
New Action / UFT has been busy lately, with Marianne Pizzitola and Kate Connors joining us last week to discuss healthcare, and with three subcommittees meeting later this week to discuss organizing (Oct. 3 at 5:30 PM), abusive administrators (Oct. 4 at 5:30 PM), and Tier 6 reform (Oct. 5 at 5:30 PM
New Action General Meeting with Guest, Marianne Pizzitola
New Action will have our first general meeting of 2023-2024 on September 27 at 5:30 PM. Marianne Pizzitola will be our special guest to discuss the healthcare fight. The following week, we will begin holding our subcommittees (also at 5:30 PM). Feel free to join as many or as few as you’d
Remote Parent Engagement: Analyzing the Fine Print
During the 2023 contract campaign, UFT leadership opted not to fight for better pay. They did, however, push hard on reducing micromanagement. And, when—out of the blue—a final contract draft was dropped on us for a rushed ratification vote, many of us were happy that at least we’d get out of
Extra Parent Outreach Time? UFT Executive Board Minutes – 9/18/2023
Summary/Analysis: The UFT’s second executive board of the year was strangely eventful for one which followed just 7 days after the opener. (Usually, we wait 2-3 weeks between sessions). Some highlights with analysis: Unofficial Executive Board Minutes Follow – mostly unedited. Open Mic: Kate Con
Budget Cuts, Migrants, and Air Conditioners – UFT Executive Board Meeting , 9/11/2023
Summary/Analysis: There were two major topics at tonight’s executive board meeting: the demonization of migrants to justify unnecessary budget cuts and the terrible state of air conditioning made all too obvious during last week’s heat wave. Mary Vacarro pointed out that much of the demonization