This is part four of a series on COPE by David Ginsberg and contains a complete list of where contributions go. To see parts one, two, and three, click the respective hyperlinks.

Every two weeks, union dues and voluntary COPE donations come out of the paychecks of more than 100,000 active UFT members. Millions upon millions of dollars of our hard earned money go to maintaining, strengthening, and empowering our union each year. Although the UFT  “does not use any union dues money for political action,” a sizable portion (over 25%, according to Americans for Fair Treatment) goes to affiliates such as New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT), who give money to legislators in order to lobby for our best interests. Throw in our COPE donations and some of these politicians are looking at quite a windfall. This article is not meant to be an exposé by any means; it is simply meant to help our membership see where our money is going because we deserve to know. We are in no way encouraging members to cancel their union dues and/or COPE donations. Our union needs our support in order to thrive.

All research was done through Each union donates money under several names (ex: NYSUT may be listed as New York State United Teachers, NYS United Teachers, NYSUT, etc.), making it extremely difficult to pin down exactly how much they donated. 

It should also be noted that NYSUT (600,000 members) and the AFT (1.7 million members) receive contributions from other teachers’ unions, so all money donated by them does not necessarily come directly from our pockets. However, it is safe to assume that some of it does. All that being said, we hope this article helps you gain some insight as to where our lobbying contributions go. Again, all dollar amounts are for 2022 and 2023, combined. 

Lastly, it should be noted that some of the dollar amounts may not be exact. These are all minimum figures. Please keep in mind that in addition to direct contributions from the teachers’ unions, many of the legislators you see here also receive funding from the super PACs that appear on this list, making it impossible to know exactly how much they are raking in. Without further ado, here is a complete list (to the best of our ability) of everyone who received donations (and how much they received) from the UFT, NYSUT, and AFT. All donations are written exactly as they appear on the public reporting website.

1. Progress NYS: $750,000

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $250,000  2022 New York State United Teachers: $500,000

2a. NYS Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (NYSDSCC): $255,900

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $117,300  2023 NYSUT: $113,600  2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (an arm of NYSUT you can learn more about here): $25,000

2b. NYS Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (NYSDACC): $255,900

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $117,300  2023 NYSUT: $138,600

4. UUP Higher Education Action Fund: $250,872.44

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $89.971  2023 New York State United Teachers: $160,901.44

5. New York State Democratic Committee: $234,600

Contributions: 2022 American Federation of Teachers: $117,300  2022 New York State United Teachers: $117,300

6. Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee: $211,000

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $6,000  2022 UFT: $50,000  2022 United Federation of Teachers: $95,000  2023 United Federation of Teachers: $60,000

7. Kathy Hochul: $186,500

Contributions: 2022 American Federation of Teachers: $69,700  2022 Voice of Teachers for Education: $69,700  2022 United Federation of Teachers: $47,100

8. New York State Public Employees Federation: $179,387.67

Contributions: 2022 AFT Political Action Contribution: $80,021.40  2023 AFT Political Action Contribution: $99,364.27

9. Working Families Party: $90,000

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $45,000  2023 New York State United Teachers: $45,000

10. Carl E. Heastie (Speaker of the New York Assembly): $51,125

Contributions: 2022 NY State United Teachers: $25,000  2023 VOTE COPE (NYSUT’s non-partisan action fund): $1,125  2023 NYS United Teachers: $25,000

11. PSC PAC: $49,874.24 (Note: This may just be their COPE fund)

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $49,874.24

12. Buffalo Teachers Federation: $40,023.72 (Note: This may just be their COPE fund)

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $35,389.50  2023 NYSUT: $4,634.22 

13. Syracuse Teachers Association: $33,783.70 (Note: This may just be their COPE fund)

Contributions: 2023 NYSUT: $33,783.70 

14A. New York League of Conservation Voters PAC: $25,000

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $25,000

14B. New York Women Lead: $25,000

Contributions: 2022 UFT COPE: $25,000

14C. Melinda Katz (District Attorney, Queens County): $25,000

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $10,000  2023 United Federation of Teachers: $15,000

17. Letitia James (New York State Attorney General): $24,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTECOPE (NYSUT): $10,000  2023 VOTECOPE (NYSUT): $14,000 

18. Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club: $21,000

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $10,000  2023 United Federation of Teachers: $11,000

19. Monroe County Democratic Committee: $20,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE (NYSUT): $10,000  2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $10,000

20. Robert Jackson (Senator, District 31; Chair of Civil Service and Pensions): $19,800

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE (NYSUT): $19,800

21. John W. Mannion (Senator, District 50): $19,400

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $7,800   2022 American Federation of Teachers: $11,600

22A. Philip Ramos (Assemblyman, 6th Assembly District; Deputy Speaker of NYS Assembly): $19,300

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $19,300

22B. Brian Kavanagh (Senator, District 27): $19,300

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $19,300

22C. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (Senator, District 23): $19,300

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $19,300

22D. Elizabeth Crowley (lost bid for 59th District Senate seat): $19,300

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE (NYSUT): $19,300

26. Toby Ann Stavisky (Senator, District 11; Chair of Committee on Higher Education): $18,550

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE (NYSUT): $17,800  2023 VOTE COPE (NYSUT): $750

27. Sean Ryan (Senator, District 61): $18,404

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $9,154  2022 Voices of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $7,750   2023 Voices for Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,500

28. Thomas DiNapoli (New York State Comptroller): $17,566

Contributions: 2022 VOTECOPE (NYSUT): $15,066  2023 VOTECOPE (NYSUT): $2,500

29. Gustavo Rivera (Senator, District 33): $17,300

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $13,800  2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,000   2023 VOTECOPE: $2,500

30. Joseph P. Addabbo (Senator, District 15): $16,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $7,500   2022 VOTE COPE: $9,300

31. Cordell Cleare (Senator, District 30): $15,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $15,000 

32. Iwen Chu (Senator, District 17): $14,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $11,800   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,000

33. James Skoufis (Senator, District 42): $13,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $12,500   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,300

34. Lea Webb (Senator, District 52): $13,550

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $11,800   2023 VOTE COPE: $1,000   2023 New York State United Teachers: $750

35A. John Liu (Senator, District 16): $12,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $7,500   2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $5,000

35B. Brad Hoylman-Sigal (Senator, District 47): $12,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $11,000   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,500

37. James (Jim) Tedisco (Senator, District 44): $12,205

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $9,855   2022 NYSUT: $800   2023 VOTE COPE: $450   2023 NYSUT: $1,100

38A. Anna Kaplan (Former Senator, District 7 – lost re-election bid): $11,800

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $11,800

38B. Julie Shiroishi (lost bid for 39th District Senate seat): $11,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education: $11,800

38C. Kristen Gonzalez (Senator, District 59): $11,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $11,800

41. Michelle Hinchey (Senator, District 41): $11,734

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $9,234   2022 NYSUT: $2,500

42. Jeremy Cooney (Senator, District 56): $11,550

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $11,550

43. Democratic Committee of Richmond County: $11,500

Contributions: 2022 UFT: $3,000   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $8,500

44. Jessica Ramos (Senator, District 13): $10,500

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $9,000   2023 VOTE COPE: $750   2023 NYSUT: $750

45. Pete Harckham (Senator, District 40): $10,425

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $10,425

46. Rachel May (Senator, District 48): $10,350

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $10,100   2022 VOTE COPE: $250

47. Kings County Democratic County Committee: $10,250

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $5,000   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $5,250

48A. Cayuga County Democratic Committee: $10,000

Contributions: 2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $10,000  

48B. Adam Bello (Monroe County Executive): $10,000

Contributions: 2023 NYS United Teachers: $10,000

48C. Darcel Clark (District Attorney, Bronx County): $10,000

Contributions: 2023 United Federation of Teachers: $10,000

51. Monica Wallace (Assemblymember, 143rd Assembly District): $9,900

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,550   2022 NYSUT: $4,700   2023 NYSUT: $825   2023 VOTE COPE: $825

52. Peter Abbate (Former Assemblymember, 49th Assembly District): $9,500

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $7,800   2022 VOTE COPE: $1,700

53. Erik M. Dilan (Assemblymember, 54th Assembly District): $9,475

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $9,400   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $75

54A. Brian Cunningham (Assemblymember, 43rd Assembly District): $9,400

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $9,400

54B. Andrew Hevesi (Assemblyman, 28th Assembly District): $9,400

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $9,400

54C. David Weprin (Assemblyman, 24th Assembly District): $9,400

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education: $4,700   2022 NYSUT: $4,700

57. Samra Brouk (Senator, District 55): $8,300

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $8,300

58. Jeffrey Dinowitz (Assemblyman, 81st Assembly District): $8,150

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $4,700   2022 NYSUT: $2,500   2023 NYSUT: $950

59. Jamie R. Williams (Assemblymember, 59th Assembly District): $8,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,500   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,500   2023 NYSUT: $3,000

60A. Andrew Gounardes (Senator, District 26): $7,500

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $7,500

60B. Jabari Brisport (Senator, District 25): $7,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $7,500

60C. Liz Krueger (Senator, District 28): $7,500

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $7,500

63. Yudelka Tapia (Assemblymember, 86th Assembly District): $7,200

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700   2022 United Federation of Teachers: $1,000   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,500

64. Neil D. Breslin (Senator, District 46): $7,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $3,500   2023 VOTE COPE: $3,500

65. Al Stirpe (Assemblyman, 127th Assembly District): $6,830

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,650   2022 VOTE COPE: $500   2022 NYS United Teachers: $1,000   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,680

66. Elijah Reichlin-Melnick (Former Senator, District 38 – lost re-election bid): $6,800

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $6,800

67. Faculty Federation of Erie Community College: $6,043.40

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $2,469   2023 VOTE COPE: $3,574.40

68. Mike Gianaris (Senator, District 12): $6,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $1,000   2023 VOTE COPE: $5,000

69. Nader J. Sayegh (Assemblyman, 90th Assembly District): $5,900

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,300   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,600

70. John Brooks (Former Senator, District 8 – lost re-election bid for District 5): $5,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $5,500

71. Angelo Santabarbara (Assemblymember, 111th Assembly District): $5,300

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $3,100   2022 VOTE COPE: $1,500   2022 VOTECOPE: $600   2022 NYSUT: $100

72. Nily Rozic (Assemblywoman, 25th Assembly District): $5,200

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700   2023 NYSUT: $500

73A. Erie County Democratic Committee: $5,000

Contributions: 2023 NYSUT: $5,000

73B. Bronx Democratic County Committee: $5,000

Contributions: 2022 UFT: $5,000

73C. Alvin Bragg (District Attorney, Manhattan): $5,000

Contributions: 2023 United Federation of Teachers: $5,000

73D. Michael McMahon (District Attorney, Richmond County): $5,000

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $2,500   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $2,500

73E. Eric Gonzalez (District Attorney, Kings County): $5,000

Contributions: 2023 United Federation of Teachers: $5,000

73F. Andrea Stewart-Cousins (Senator, District 35; Majority Leader of NYS Senate): $5,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $4,000   2023 VOTE COPE: $1,000

The $4,700 Club: All of the following legislators (79A-79DD) received exactly $4,700 over the course of FY 2022-2023.

79A. Donna Lupardo (Assemblywoman, 123rd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 VOTECOPE: $3,507   2022 Voice of Teachers for Education: $693   2023 VOTE COPE: $500

79B. Deborah Glick (Assemblymember, 66th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 VOTECOPE: $4,700

79C. Chantel Jackson (Assemblymember, 79th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79D. Grace Lee (Assemblymember, 65th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79E. Nikki Lucas (Assemblymember, 60th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79F. Chris Eachus (Assemblymember, 99th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79G. Daniel Rosenthal (Former Assemblymember, District 27 – resigned): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79H. Sarahana Shrestha (Assemblymember, 103rd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79I. Phil Steck (Assemblymember, 110th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,700

79J. Mathylde Frontus (Former Assemblymember, 46th Assembly District – lost re-election bid): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $4,700

79K. Steven Raga (Assemblymember, 30th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $4,700

79L. Vivian E. Cook (Assemblywoman, 32nd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $4,700

79M. Tony Simone (Assemblymember, 75th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79N. Manny de los Santos (Assemblymember, 72nd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79O. Edward Gibbs (Assemblymember, 68th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79P. Vincent Argenziano (lost bid for 63rd District Assembly seat): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79Q. Jeffrion Aubry (Assemblyman, 35th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79R. Edward Braunstein (Assemblyman, 26th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79S. Aileen Gunther (Assemblywoman, 100th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79T. Juan Ardila (Assemblymember, 37th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79U. Jose Rivera (Former Assemblymember, 78th Assembly District – lost re-election bid): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79V. Dana Levenberg (Assemblywoman, 95th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79W. Demond Meeks (Assemblymember, 137th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79X. Brian Barnwell (Former Assemblymember, 30th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79Y. Marianne Buttenschon (Assemblymember, 119th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79Z. Jonathan Rivera (Assemblymember, 149th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79AA. Inez E. Dickens (Assemblymember, 70th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79BB. Alex Bores (Assemblymember, 73rd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79CC. MaryJane Shimsky (Assemblymember, 92nd Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,700

79DD. Pamela Hunter (Assemblymember, 128th Assembly District): $4,700

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $3,950   2022 VOTECOPE: $500   2023 NYS United Teachers: $250

109. Karen McMahon (Assemblymember, 146th Assembly District): $4,675

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $4,675

110. William Conrad (Assemblymember, 140th Assembly District): $4,550

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,550   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,000

111. Gina L. Sillitti (Assemblywoman, 16th Assembly District): $4,300

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $4,300

112A. Carrie Woerner (Assemblywoman, 113th Assembly District): $4,200

Contributions: 2022 VOTECOPE: $3,450   2022 Voice of Teachers for Education: $250   2023 VOTE COPE: $500

112B. Kenneth Zebrowski (Former Assemblymember, 96th Assembly District – resigned): $4,200

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $3,550   2022 VOTE COPE: $650

114. Stacey Pheffer Amato (Assemblywoman, 23rd Assembly District): $4,150

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,400   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,750

115. Steve Englebright (Former Assemblymember, 4th Assembly District – lost re-election bid): $4,100

Contributions: 2022 New York State United Teachers: $4,100

116. Peter Oberacker (Senator, District 51): $4,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $4,000

117. Steve Stern (Assemblyman, 10th Assembly District): $3,950

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,950

118. Catalina Cruz (Assemblywoman, 39th Assembly District): $3,800

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,700   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $100

119. Judy Griffin (Former Assemblymember, 21st Assembly District): $3,600

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $3,600

120A. Republican Assembly Campaign Committee: $3,500

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $3,500

120B. Billy Jones (Assemblyman, 115th Assembly District): $3,500

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $2,950   2023 NYSUT: $550

122. Kimberly Jean-Pierre (Assemblywoman, 11th Assembly District): $3,450

Contributions: 2022 Vote Cope Of The Nys United Teachers: $2,798   2022 Vote Cope Of Nys United Teachers: $652

123. Your Vote Counts: $3,200

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $3,200

124A. Chris Burdick (Assemblymember, 93rd Assembly District): $3,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,750   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,250

124B. Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn (Assemblymember, 42nd Assembly District): $3,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $3,000

124C: Robert Ortt (Senator, District 62): $3,000

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $2,000   2022 NYSUT: $1,000

127. Alicia Hyndman (Assemblywoman, 29th Assembly District): $2,950

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,950   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,000

128. Karines Reyes (Assemblymember, 87th Assembly District): $2,750

Contributions: 2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,750

129A. Charles D. Fall (Assemblyman, 61st Assembly District): $2,700

Contributions: 2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,000   2023 United Federation of Teachers: $700

129B. Steven Cymbrowitz (Former Assemblymember, 45th Assembly District – lost re-election bid): $2,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,700

129C. Sarah Clark (Assemblymember, 136th Assembly District): $2,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,700

132. William B. Magnarelli (Assemblyman, 129th Assembly District): $2,600

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $2,000   2023 NYSUT: $600

133A. Downtown Independent Democrats: $2,500

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers: $2,500

133B. Roxanne Persaud (Senator, District 19): $2,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,500

133C. Linda Rosenthal (Assemblymember, 67th Assembly District): $2,500

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,500

136. Patrick Burke (Assemblyman, 142nd Assembly District): $2,450

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,450

137. Jen Lunsford (Assemblymember, 135th Assembly District): $2,200

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,200

138. Harry Bronson (Assemblymember, 138th Assembly District): $2,100

Contributions: 2022 NYSUT: $200   2023 NYSUT: $1,900

139. Frank Seddio (Former Chair of Brooklyn Democratic Party): $2,010

Contributions: 2023 United Federation of Teachers: $2,010

140A. Jamaal T. Bailey (Senator, District 36): $2,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $500   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,500

140B. Michaelle Solages (Assemblywoman, 22nd Assembly District): $2,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $500   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education: $1,500

140C. Phara Souffrant Forrest (Assemblymember, 57th Assembly District): $2,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,000

140D. Nathalia Fernandez (Senator, District 34): $2,000

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $2,000

140E. Daniel Stec (Senator, District 45): $2,000

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $300   2023 VOTE COPE: $1,700

145A. Chelsea Reform Democratic Club: $1,700

Contributions: 2022 United Federation of Teachers

145B. Zellnor Myrie (Senator, District 20): $1,700

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,000   2023 VOTE COPE: $700

147A. Amy Paulin (Assemblywoman, 88th Assembly District): $1,500

Contributions: 2023 NYSUT: $1,500

147B. James Gary Pretlow (Assemblyman, 89th Assembly District): $1,500

Contributions: 2022 NYS United Teachers: $1,000   2023 NYS United Teachers: $500

147C. Monique Chandler-Waterman (Assemblymember, 58th Assembly District): $1,500

Contributions: 2023 Voices for Teachers (52 Broadway): $1,500

150. Mark Walczyk (Senator, District 49): $1,350

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $650   2023 VOTE COPE: $700

151. William Colton (47th Assembly District): $1,300

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,300

152. Dean Murray (Senator, District 3): $1,270

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $1,270

153A. Julia Salazar (Senator, District 18): $1,250

Contributions: 2022 VOTE COPE: $500   2022 NYSUT: $750

153B. Leroy Comrie (Senator, District 14): $1,250

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,250

155. Taylor Darling (Assemblywoman, 18th Assembly District): $1,100

Contributions: 2022 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $100   2023 Voice of Teachers for Education (NYSUT): $1,000

Grand Total: Just over $3.5 million

For those of you who are curious about our COPE contributions, some of the donations above are specifically earmarked “UFT COPE” or “United Federation of Teachers COPE” on the public reporting website, making those easy to track. Those donations for FY 2022 and 2023 can be found below:

2022 United Federation of Teachers COPE (Total: $76,600)

Kathy Hochul: $47,100

New York League of Conservation Voters Political Action Committee: $25,000

Kings County Democratic County Committee: $4,500

2022 UFT COPE (Total: $28,000)

New York Women Lead: $25,000

Democratic Committee of Richmond County: $3,000

2023 United Federation of Teachers COPE (Total: $25,225)

Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club: $11,000

Kings County Democratic County Committee: $5,250

Eric Gonzalez: $5,000

Michael McMahon: $2,500

Democratic Organization of Queens County: $700

Charles Fall: $700

Erik M. Dilan: $75

We hope this series of articles have helped shed some light and unraveled some of the mystery surrounding our COPE donations. Our union leadership should be the ones disclosing our financial contributions, not making us fend for ourselves searching for breadcrumbs. Hiding this information from membership only makes us more skeptical. We must continue to demand, not request, transparency from our union leadership.

-David Ginsberg

Nick Bacon is a co-chairperson at New Action Caucus. He is also an elected member of the UFT executive board

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