Election Update and Nac General Meeting on Wednesday, 12/4/24
New Action members and supporters,
We are writing you this post to update you with some good news: we, New Action, are in the final stages of forming a slate in conjunction with our caucus partners, Retiree Advocate and the Movement of Rank and File Educators. Working with these groups, and with all of you, we firmly believe that we are in a position to win the votes of a majority of UFT membership and provide New York City educators with the union leadership we need.
This election is different. In the past, we’ve primarily won seats in the high schools, and sometimes in the middle schools. But this time, following RA’s win in the RTC chapter, as well as several other election surprise upsets and showings, we believe it is possible to win the officer seats and most if not all of the UFT executive board.
To do this, we’ll need to work together. In the days ahead, we hope many of you will volunteer to seek candidate positions and/or organize to help in other ways. Our vision of unionism that isn’t concessionary – but rather a unionism that fights for educators and their families – finally has a chance to come to the larger membership. We owe the UFT’s general membership a chance to vote for this.
On Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7:00 PM we’ll have a general meeting to discuss more (Zoom link to follow). We look forward to seeing you there.
Nick Bacon
No, this is different. We’re called ARISE and comprised of the majority of opposition caucuses in the UFT.
Bronx Public Teacher
This is great news! Does this have anything to do with the ABC slate that is running?