Curriculum, Healthcare, and Budget: 9-23-24-UFT Executive Board Summary, Analysis, and Minutes

  • A major theme tonight was curriculum. UFT leadership is starting to acknowledge that there are some problems beyond just a need for more PD (at least with some of the mandated curriculum), although we’re still getting mixed signals as to how far they’d be willing to go on an official fight. Based on the sum of the speakers tonight, I’d wager that there will be more of a fight for curriculum for which there is consensus on bad implementation (Illustrative Math in 9th grade Algebra), but not a fight over the right for teachers to have autonomy over what curriculum they choose. Indeed, Mary Vacarro confirmed that under current guidelines, even school principals are free to choose whatever curriculum they want to make teachers use if there isn’t already a prescription from a superintendent or the chancellor. As some executive board members noted, we’re starting to see more principals mandating other curriculums at the school-level that are not subject to DOE-wide mandates (New Visions is a common example). I did not get the impression that the current UFT leadership plans to fight that practice.
  • We still don’t have the documents we were promised back in April about UFT financials. I asked about this, so hopefully we’ll see that fixed quickly.
  • There are some plans on how to fight the high school discontinuance issue, in which high school teachers can’t work at all under their license in any high school in the city if they are discontinued, but we’ll have to see how the strategy goes. See more on that below in the report from Mike Sill.
  • There was a lot about the election. It’s clear that there will be a big push to get UFT members on the ground to push for Harris/Walz. Some in non-Unity circles have mentioned having trouble getting information about how to attend these banks, however, though at least one NAC member was part of the last trip to Philly.
  • Ibeth Mejia asked an important question about what Mulgrew will do to support the fight against MAP. As readers of Arthur Goldstein know, Mulgrew has theoretically come out against MAP, but has not put forward an amicus brief to help the NYC Retirees fight the implementation of MAP. Like Ibeth and Arthur, I also want to see Mulgrew do more than just pay lip service against MAP – we need to see action and dedicated COPE funding to preserve traditional Medicare (and the GHI SeniorCare plan).

For the full informal minutes, see below.

No open mic speakers.

Minutes: approved.

Reports from Officers

Mike Sill: Just talking to Nick Bacon about this – we jointly motivated a resolution about this. High School discontinuances. If you get discontinued in community school district, can change license or go to a different school district. High school it’s like a different district. Trying to get that reduced to the borough. DOE is not motivated to make that change, so we’re trying to make a case based on the numbers – shortage license areas are mostly high school license areas, so part of the solution to teacher shortages could be to allow formerly discontinued teachers to be hired outside of borough. Should have report on that in terms of the number by next exec board. Not sure how convincing that will be, because of number of discontinuances, but we’ll give update on how that is going.

Rich Mantell: Probably heard about the new math program, IM. Anything but illustrative. Biggest problem is no PD, doomed to fail. Hired consultants to do this work, teachers not getting the support they need. Not off to a great start. Any teachers you know who are teaching this program, please shoot me an email, so we can see what we can do. (Responding to questions off-mic from Ilona Nanay and Ibeth Mejia). Can send high school / middle school. Not sure about New Visions (Earth Science?), talk to Janella, that’s high school.

Bullying a real issue in schools. Every few years I’ve had an anti bullying conference. October 24th, MS schools invited, we have programs for them, something about gang awareness. Trying to get as many kids to come to conference. Never to early to talk about xgiving. As you know, record number of homeless. Every year that number grows. Want kids to get the winter clothing. Anything you can do.

Michael Mulgrew: Strategy on IM is simple. We have serious problems with it, scaffolding is not there. If they wanted to use this curriculum, they should have first changed 6th grade curriculum so they could do math at 9th. Where curriculum has been successful has been done as described. We want to make sure we have enough teachers before next steps – you can figure out what those are.

South Philly – had a great time. Door knocking. If you haven’t been to Philly, row houses right next to eachother, Trump/Harris signs everywhere, right next to eachother. AFL-CIO has hit every household in Philadelphia area. Making sure things are tight. Much tighter with teachers helping. We’re getting moved around though. Next bus is supposed to go to Scranton. First time ever, Lehigh Valley. Good, because that means so many volunteers, going to different places we haven’t before. Think we can speak better to people because we’re teachers. (laughs).  

Phone banking, big time. 7 important congressional races in NY. Need volunteers for the phone banking. We need a lot of phone banking. Polling – can’t trust it.

Vice presidential debate at CBS studio on the West Side of Manhattan. We’re going to do a watch party here, but teachers should be front in center about getting on TV about how people feel about Walz and Vance. Massive demonstrations at that event. Big mess of course, secret service, NYPD. But we told them teachers are coming, get it figured out.

Follow drama – not helpful what’s going on with Mayor and Chancellor, etc. Still have some superintendent vacancies, could be a plus or minus depending…but still finding schools that don’t have basic books for their literacy program. No excuse. 5 books for 400 kids, having to print out lessons. Now their excuse is ‘there is an upheaval, don’t you know what we’re going through?’

Politics is going to be non-stop. This is going down to the wire – we probably won’t know til Christmas. Class size piece is moving along. They understand that we have to train everyone. I could keep going on, but a lot of work to do.

Karen Alford: a few of things – informational campaign for start strong, people struggling for placement. Complaint form attached on website. Bigger than just teachers. Families looking for correct placement.

Also, elementary division workshops for the school year. Dates for September and dates for school year. Lastly, flyer for subs. About 200 tickets for people to see the broadway show, Suffs.

Mary Vaccaro: 3 quick things. Thanks for coming to the Mind Up workshop in Queens, ended up being bigger than we thought, so clearly. Cases of Elmer’s glue, as part of social emotional learning. Child abuse workshop, by April need to make sure you to do it. Trying to do 3-4 months at the Teacher Center…. MOSL training, this Thursday, PTC for the high schools, so second one is at Oct. 9. If you have questions, ask Sallyann.

Leo Gordon: DOE has expanded on CTE. Address as CTE light. Opened up something in the area, CTE light programs. Should grow at same rate as established CTE programs. Not happened. We’ve closed some CTE and opened many CTE light programs. In process of course corrections. One is PD offered. This year should see invitations to these programs. A lot conversations about getting equivalent supports, PD, and money like with the future ready program.

CTE awards has moved to Feb. 26, not the 14th. Wednesday.

Victoria Lee: quick report on pension data. Last year, 2022-2023, 3,790 embraced joy of retirement; this year, 16% decrease. Track numbers in same year. Have 13 members in Tier 1, 2 members in Tier 2, 61 members in Tier 3, 63,961 in Tier 6 and 52,xxx in Tier 4.

Marc Collins: A few things, reorganization season. 61 reorganization grievances upgraded to step 2. 14 dates in September for arbitration. We’ve had 70 slots scheduled, 23 resolved at school level, 9 withdrawn, 9 sustained, 9? denied, and awaiting 8 more….Class size, tomorrow is day 14. Already have a district level resolution from one, numbers are steady from one. 214 schools reporting oversized classes. Down 1?%. Down to 18 chronically oversized this year. Short staffing fights with NYU. First payments to go to nurses on Friday, first is 100,000. Don’t know officially, but next one—more money—will likely be next pay period. Decision from panel arbitrator for terminated professional who was terminated at a Brooklyn school in 2023 for verbal abuse. Arbitrator sustained the grievance and directed DOE to reinstate the professional with back pay. 22 year paraprofessional. Some protracted negotiations, or would have had a year.

Question Period

Edward Calamia: As you may know, we have fusion voting, we’ve had the Working Family party, unless we get 250,000 people to vote for Harris on their line, they will cease to exist. If we could use our considerable influence, to get those people to vote on WF party alive, great party for labor, democracy.

LeRoy Barr: Will share comments with NYSUT person.

Ilona Nanay: Really thrilled union is to look into IM. Several members have voiced curriculum around H and H, know only mandated k-5, but individual superintendents mandating for middle schools and high schools. Can superintendent mandate curriculum goes against our contract? Is UFT in conversation?

Mary Vaccaro.: Meeting Thursday around curriculum. Yes they can mandate the curriculum, it’s the how. Can even be school by school. Arguing that. A few schools argued around professional conciliation. Are some places that in agreement and want this, so have to see how we’re going to work out. Once start using word ‘fidelity’ that’s when we start to pick it up. DOE is clear that only mandating illustrative math for 9th grade, 9th grade only. Otherwise it’s a school wide decision.

Mike Schirtzer: What does union want union to do if chapter leaders are a bit unhappy?

Mary Vaccaro: What we need to know is if teachers don’t have the books? Watching photo copies. Issues with books I need to know, all curriculums – because books are available.

Mike Schirtzer. What was the teacher input?

Mary Vaccaro: 0

Mike Schirtzer. Can we change that?

Mary Vacarro: Sure, but no one taking credit even at DOE, particularly IM.

Mike S Schirtzer. Thank you for MOSl trainings.

Ibeth Mejia: June 23rd, withdrew support for MAP. Eric Adams continues to push through the course. How is union going to support UFT, retirees, and active workers – as one day we’ll retire too.

LeRoy Barr: In addition to saying not in favor of it?

Ibeth Mejia: In terms of action plan…COPE actions.

LeRoy Barr: I will wait for Michael Mulgrew to come to next exec board.

Seung Lee: Elementary exec board. At the town hall, discussions about combining meetings about combining meetings so CLs not overburdened. Clarity on consolidation?

Mary Vacarro: ILT committee is no longer in existence. PD now 1 with it. Happening during PD or during OPW, not before/after. MOSL is separate. SPED, separate. People getting forced onto ILT…walkthroughs…we’ve put a stop. Should just be about PD, not year long plan, etc. Small snippets. Have those agreements.

Nick Bacon: We had a financial report back in April and were told we could not take the report with us, but that it would be put on the website anyways. It’s now almost October, no report on the website. It’s also usually published in the New York Teacher, no report yet in New York Teacher. When will it be posted? Also can there be a report in the Fall about plans of how we will use budget?

LeRoy Barr: Noted, will talk to CFO.

Reports from Districts:

Servia Silva: Friday, last week, thank Queens office. Great time Hispanic Affairs Committee. Play by retired teacher in Queens. Saturday, back to school fair. Gave away book bags. Bio bus. Vaccines. Glucose monitoring. Blood pressure.

DA – pink day.

Rashad Brown: Asian American Heritage Committee, 24th. Women’s Committee meeting on 25th, Zoom. Pride, 25th, on 3rd street. 28th, NYCAFL here. Divine 9 event, panel, commemorating timing of Shirley Chisholm, and so far successful run of Kamala Harris. Oct. 8th at 4:30 PM on the 19th floor.

Faiza Khalid: UFT uptown phone banks. One on Sep 17th, well attended. Will be having every Tuesday til election day.

Seung Lee: Tomorrow’s Asian American Heritage committee hosting a specific phone bank, in addition to other activities.

Political report: VW not here, but LeRoy speaks on bus rides, door knocking, phone banking. Check website – everybody should be phone banking. We should be on the busses.


Nick Bacon is a co-chairperson at New Action Caucus. He is also an elected member of the UFT executive board

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