You would think this describes management or the actions of corporate actors or advocates of charters and vouchers. Today we have only have to look at our own union leadership in the UFT. We need only to look as far as what Michael Mulgrew and Unity have perpetrated on the OT/PT chapter to understan
Don’t Forget Our Probationary Teachers
Just recently many UFT retired members led by New Action joined with thousands of other retired members from other Unions to lead protests and support lawsuits to Protect our Healthcare. In the last week a New York City Supreme Court Judge ruled in favor of the NYC Organization of Municipal Retirees
Retirees Win! – For-Profit Mulgrewcare Plan Quashed Again
The NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees has officially won its lawsuit against the City, preventing Adams, Mulgrew, and the MLC from forcing medicare-eligible retirees off of GHI Seniorcare and onto a for-profit Medicare Advantage plan (MAP) run by Aetna. The decision is brief, essentially j
NAC Updates: Caucus Meeting on August 8th / UFC Letter of Support for OT/PTs
Summer is shaping up to be a busy time for our union/caucus, as strikes and strike threats erupt around the country, while major contract battles still take place at 52 Broadway. NAC will meet as a caucus on August 8th at 3:00 PM via Zoom. We will discuss a variety of issues, including healthcare, p
A Different Kind of ‘Pay cut:’ When Student/Employee Data is Compromised
On Friday, reports surfaced that the data of thousands of NYCDOE students and employees was compromised, after a breach that also affected several companies and governmental agencies. In some cases, the information hacked included sensitive identifiers like social security numbers. We don’t know w
Rushed UFT Contract Ratification Process Leads to Integrity Questions
This blog predicted months ago that Mulgrew would try to rush a contract ratification vote. “If we rush a bad contract, after all, we can get limited money quick. Summer is around the corner –a tempting time to dangle a few bucks in front of teachers and say ‘sure, we didn’t fix any working
UFC Townhall on Contract Tonight (6/21) at 7:30 PM
Join the UFT’s High School Executive Board, which includes members affiliated with New Action/UFT, Solidarity, MORE, and ICE-UFT, at 7:30 PM for a panel on why all of our caucuses agree/concur: voting no gets us a better deal. Register here.
New Action/UFT Suggests Voting No on the 2022-2027 Tentative Agreement
New Action Caucus has gone over the good, bad, and middling parts of the 2022-2027 tentative UFT agreement. Ultimately, we agreed that this is a contract members would be better off voting ‘no’ on. Largely, our decision came down to sub-inflation wage ‘increases,’ including a disappoin
New Action Contract Meeting Tonight at 5:30 PM
New Action Caucus will meet today at 5:30 PM to discuss the 2022-2027 tentative agreement. Members who have not yet received an invitation should first make sure they’re signed up, then reach out to Nick Bacon. Reading List:
A Tentative Agreement without an MOA- 6-13-2023 Executive Board Meeting
Immediately following the 500-member negotiating committee meeting, the Executive Board met at 3:38, with just over 30 minutes to spare before the DA, to go over a contract which had not been made available to us in advance and decide whether to bring it to a vote at the DA. LeRoy Barr motivates res