Pension News / Data on Abusive Admin- UFT Executive Board 12/18/2023
Summary/Analysis: Tonight was a quick meeting. Turnout was low – a combination, I think, of the mayoral control hearing in Queens and weather-induced work-from-home decisions for some UFT staffers. Most of the news came in the question period when Tom Brown answered my inquiry about the new pensio
Mulgrew’s Healthcare Presentation was Bologna – Here’s an Analysis
At this week’s DA, Michael Mulgrew put forth a used car salesman pitch presentation about why our healthcare is about to change. His speech itself is in my minutes, and the PowerPoint that displayed behind him can be found here. There wasn’t much new here, and my most recent article on hea
UFT Healthcare cuts – Delegate Assembly – 12/13/23
Summary/Analysis: That’s enough summarizing I think. I’ll leave the rest for standalone articles. My informal minutes follow. President’s Report DA starts late at 4:20 PM Someone asks for a FT pom pom hat, Mulgrew responds he’ll look into it (retro collection) Last DA of 2023. Healthcare rep
Why join UFT’s New Action Caucus (NAC/UFT)?
On Tuesday 12.12.23 at 5:30 PM, UFT’s New Action Caucus (NAC/UFT) will come together as we ramp up our education/advocacy efforts around healthcare, pension, and working conditions for UFT members. To join NAC: To register: The Unit
What is to be done about Tier 6?
If you’re in Tier 6, you’ve probably heard that your pension is much worse than your peers in Tier 4, Tier 2, and Tier 1. But—just how much worse is it? What are the chances that it will be ‘fixed’ before you retire or hit various pension milestones? Can we rely on the usual methods—like
UFT Delegates say NO to Cease Fire Language in Humanitarian Reso – UFT Delegate Assembly, 11-15, 2023
Quick Summary and Analysis: Tonight was the second DA of the year. While eventful, this was also the second DA in a row this year in which we failed to debate even one resolution about our own working conditions. NAC released a ‘working conditions’ challenge to encourage delegates to bring worki
Extra Parent Outreach Time? UFT Executive Board Minutes – 9/18/2023
Summary/Analysis: The UFT’s second executive board of the year was strangely eventful for one which followed just 7 days after the opener. (Usually, we wait 2-3 weeks between sessions). Some highlights with analysis: Unofficial Executive Board Minutes Follow – mostly unedited. Open Mic: Kate Con
Budget Cuts, Migrants, and Air Conditioners – UFT Executive Board Meeting , 9/11/2023
Summary/Analysis: There were two major topics at tonight’s executive board meeting: the demonization of migrants to justify unnecessary budget cuts and the terrible state of air conditioning made all too obvious during last week’s heat wave. Mary Vacarro pointed out that much of the demonization
As a Bus Strike Looms – How Should the UFT Respond?
On August 28th 2023, Chancellor David Banks emailed tens of thousands of vacationing UFT members about “potential disruptions” to school bus service at the beginning of the coming school year. The potential disruptions stem from a possible strike from the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 aga
Why do UFT members make less than teachers in LA and Oakland?
During the course of UFT-Unity’s ‘yes vote’ campaign, we saw highly paid UFT staffers making well over $200,000 a year repeatedly tell us that we were wrong to factor inflation into pay increases. Some officers and staffers called our pleas to match wage increases with inflation &#