Faust in Gotham You never taught inside a school, While dabbling in the classics, And yet, you do o’er teachers rule, Who teach the children basics. From Marcy Mount to Brooklyn and From Buffalo to sea, You rule o’er K-12, and more, In all your majesty. And yet, when Bloomberg roars, you

Carol Ruiz is a substitute teacher in Brooklyn. There is no other group of members of the union I can think of that are more under-represented than substitute teachers. We are called upon to serve the children of the city of New York on a moments notice, and to work in some of the worst […]

Klein must go! No matter what contract is negotiated, New Action believes Chancellor Klein must be replaced. We have stated on several occasions that we cannot tolerate him for another four years.  No chancellor has done more to destroy, ignore, and disrespect teachers, parents and students. Chance