Union elections have consequences. One of those consequences is apparently getting your healthcare and retirement benefits stripped away without a membership vote.
Today, the Municipal Labor Commission (MLC) voted to force hundreds of thousands of retirees off of traditional public Medicare and onto one of two privatized Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPs). (Full analysis of those two plans and the UFT’s role: here). Most of the City unions did not vote in f
Blue Senate
It is urgent that we take advantage of this moment of financial improvement in New York State and the change in the political landscape in Albany. We should not wait for the next contract period in to see changes that are crying out for improvement. Teacher Evaluation – The current teacher eva
New Action to Run Slate in Spring UFT Elections
Priority Issues Fight administrative abuse – Defend Chapter Leaders, Probationers, and ATRs Last year NEW ACTION and MORE brought Chapter Leader after Chapter Leader up to UFT Executive Board meetings to speak up against the 200 or so Principals and Administrators who are making life hell for
New UFT Contract Passes: New Action Sees Many Gains, Yet Has Many Reservations
Members voted for a contract that has some very important gains. At the same time, it does not deal with some very important issues. While receiving an 80% vote from almost all units it was rejected by OT’s and PT’s. It is our obligation to stand in solidarity with the OT’s and PT’s. They wi
UFT High School Executive Board asked for endorsement of the anti-IDC Challengers
Primary Endorsements; Primary Elections There was no meeting to decide who the UFT would support at the NYSUT endorsement conference in August. And there were hot races for the NY State Senate – in the wake of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory, progressive challengers, including Robert Jackson
Janus – It Takes a Fight to Win
This year the UFT and membership may face the most difficult year in our history with the adverse U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Janus case. We are convinced Chapter Leaders and activists in our schools will rise to the occasion and support our union by convincing every member to pay union dues.
Paul Feingold, teacher, leader, activist, 1945 – 2017
Dear Friends, We lost a true trade union giant. Our dear friend and colleague, Paul Feingold, passed away this past weekend. Paul was a great rank and file chapter leader at John Jay HS, a long-time New Action supporter, and a fighter for social and economic justice. In 1986, when I was Academic Hi
NEW ACTION AND MORE SWEEP ALL SEVEN HIGH SCHOOL EXECUTIVE BOARD SEATS The announcement on May 27, 2016 that Jia Lee, New Action/MORE presidential candidate won 21% of the citywide vote was a terrific victory, especially since this was her first run for the position. Michael Mulgrew won with a tota
For Sensible Placement of Counselors and Social Workers in Excess
Guidance Counselors and Social Workers in excess are being rotated once a month. In many schools administrators can find or create no short-term counseling assignments – and leave counselors who want to work sitting idle. This may not be from administrative malice; it might just be the result
Where we agree, where we disagree
From New Action’s May 2016 Leaflet Where We Agree We agree that 200 lawyers at Tweed is about 200 too many. But we need leadership that tells this to Fariña, sits down, and gets something done. We agree that the current funding formula for schools makes no sense, that principals are forced to