UFT Leadership’s Plan B? Let Our Healthcare Implode, Then Scapegoat Opposition.
Yesterday, 11/22/2022, the City and MLC Leadership lost their appeal against a brave group of retirees who sued to protect the right to premium-free traditional Medicare. This was a huge win for labor activists, but far from the end of a saga that began almost a decade ago when UFT ratified its firs
UFT Executive Board Minutes – Unity Caucus Votes Down UFC Resolutions to Fight Abusive Administrators and Fund Our Healthcare
UFT Executive Board Minutes – 11/21/2022 Sill: Calls for minutes. All Minutes approved. Mulgrew (President’s Report): CEC tonight, so short report. Schools doing their own policy books – no such thing, there are strict guidelines. Had this issue a couple years ago which superseded our contract
What would a fair UFT contract look like?
Contract negotiations are under way, though without an end-time in sight. We’ll soon see if the City was bluffing when it made its ultimatum that healthcare must be ‘fixed’ before they really sit down to negotiate, especially on raises. Their deadline for the City Council to amend
Notes from November DA – UFC High School Executive Board Authors first Resolution with UFT Leadership
This was a fairly straight forward DA. Opposition got in a good question on healthcare–raised by a MORE Chapter Leader–but of course weren’t called on to do our healthcare resolution. The full minutes are here. What stands out is that, while UFC and Unity would probably never colla
Executive Session Inexplicably Called Tonight
Tonight, 11-7-22, we are being told that it may be an executive session for the UFT executive board meeting. We have not been told why or been given any notice. This means that no observers will be allowed. We will try to present some regular non-session business tonight including the bottom two res
Are one-time raises more important than healthcare?
There’s been a lot of debate about healthcare over the last several weeks, with opposition unionists writing some brilliant pieces. Fellow executive board member Ronnie Almonte (MORE) wrote probably the best summary of the UFT’s healthcare debacle, while James Eterno (ICE) has written co
Union leadership votes to disenfranchise high school executive board members – Executive Board Minutes – 10/24/2022
LeRoy: Welcomes. Remembering Barbara Meily, moment of silence. Open Mic: Alison Dimas: IC in division of early childhood. On Sep. 6 we received excessing notices. Attempts to get on excess markets was unsuccessful, we weren’t listed properly. We only ever received proper attention from UFT when we
Unpacking the October, 2022 Delegate Assembly
On October 12th, the UFT had its first DA of 2022. James Eterno at ICE-UFT has published detailed minutes, so I’ll focus on a few points of analysis. Protest Outside: People on the phone missed out on the biggest part of the DA – hundreds of retirees protesting the UFT and MLC’s in
IEPs (and finding time to write them)
As New York teachers well know, IEPs are the legal documents that justify and lay out services for students with disabilities. They’re necessary, no doubt about it. But as special education teachers, IEP Teachers, and various related service providers also well know, the paperwork involved in
UFT Members Take Note – It’s Not Looking Good for Healthcare
At the October 3rd, 2022 session of the UFT Executive Board, buried mostly at the end of an unusually long session with 5+ pages of unofficial minutes, we finally got a decent healthcare debate. Healthcare is now one of the major disagreements between the controlling caucus of our union (Unity) and