ARISE Launch Events Friday and Sunday!
New Action is a part of ARISE, the Alliance of Retired and In-Service Educators, a coalition of three major UFT caucuses running in the 2025 UFT leadership elections.
We’re fighting for fair pay for all UFT members, better working conditions, improved Welfare Fund benefits, and permanent solutions to our healthcare crisis through laws like the New York Health Act. More than that, we are running to transform our union into a democratic, member-led, strike-ready union that has the power and organization to win these demands!
We are hosting a coalition launch party on Friday, January 31st from 4-7pm at Labor Notes Headquarters at 55 Washington St., Suite 522, Brooklyn, NY 11201. The closest subway station is York St on the F. Other nearby subway stops include High Street (A/C) and Clark Street (2/3).
For those who can’t make it in person on the 31st, we will have a virtual launch event on Zoom on Sunday, February 2nd from 7-8pm.
You can RSVP to both events here: http://Bit.Ly/ARISEUFT
To learn more about ARISE and to join the grassroots movement we are building, check out our website:
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