Statement to workers of Wisconsin from Egyptian Trade Union Leader
February 20th, 2011 3:45 PM ‘We Stand With You as You Stood With Us’: Statement to Workers of Wisconsin by Kamal Abbas of Egypt’s Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services About Kamal Abbas and the Centre for Trade Unions and Workers Services: Kamal Abbas is General Coordinator
We are Wisconsin
Stand with Wisconsin. Governor Walker is putting forward legislation to end collective bargaining and the right to belong to a union. He must be stopped. Sign the petition. They will send you updates. The website is called “We are Wisconsin.”
Teachers’ right to organize and bargain threatened in Wisconsin
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PEP Rally against School Closures Moved to Thursday
Due to the icy weather, the rally before the PEP on Tuesday has been moved to before the PEP on Thursday. Time: 4PM (unchanged) Place: Brooklyn Tech (unchanged)
Faust in Gotham
Faust in Gotham You never taught inside a school, While dabbling in the classics, And yet, you do o’er teachers rule, Who teach the children basics. From Marcy Mount to Brooklyn and From Buffalo to sea, You rule o’er K-12, and more, In all your majesty. And yet, when Bloomberg roars, you
Stop the Waiver – Sign the Petitions
Have you signed both petitions to deny a waiver to Cathie Black, the nominee for NYC Chancellor? She does not have the necessary credentials (actually ANY education credentials) One petition urges NYS Education Commissioner, David M. Steiner to deny the waiver (click here). The other, initiated by N
Klein goes; his policies need to go next
The news that Chancellor Joel Klein resigned is welcomed by New Action as long overdue. In fact, it should be cause for celebration throughout the school system and in the communities of NYC. His performance as chancellor has had a terrible impact on teachers, students, parents, as well as administr
Per diems under the gun
Carol Ruiz is a substitute teacher in Brooklyn. There is no other group of members of the union I can think of that are more under-represented than substitute teachers. We are called upon to serve the children of the city of New York on a moments notice, and to work in some of the worst […]
Central Falls petition against mass firing
Go here: Central Falls Kids Deserve to sign their petition. Sign Our Petition Firing Teachers instead of Helping Kids? The Students, Teachers and Community of Central Falls Deserve Better Teachers and staff at Central Falls High School are making real progress in improving acad
March 4 NY – part of the national day of action to defend education
March 4th Actions Rally at Gov. Paterson’s Office, 4 pm (633 Third Ave. @ 41st St.) Then March to the MTA Hearings at FIT (Seventh Ave. @ 27th St.) Stop the school closings and privatization of public education Stop the cuts to K-12 and higher education Restore the free student MetroCard Full fun