An Uncharacteristically Brief Meeting – UFT Executive Board, 11-6-23
Tonight’s UFT executive board lasted just 30ish minutes. Of that half hour, 10 minutes went to the open mic period, in which 4 people spoke well on why they thought UFT leadership had made the wrong choice to remove Amy Arundell from her post as Queens Borough Rep. Michael Mulgrew, perhaps still w
Out-Negotiated, Again: How Other Unions’ Recent Contracts Outperform the UFT’s
UFT members have our new contract. Mulgrew’s Koolaid vendors will tell you it’s the best deal we’ve ever had. But, the truth is that it’s a snore of an agreement, complete with inflation-adjusted pay cuts despite very few gains and even some losses. Other teacher contracts over the course of
Why Don’t UFT Staffers Have Due Process? – UFT Executive Board Meeting,10-23-2023
Summary/Analysis: The main topic of tonight’s executive board meeting was Amy Arundell. I have to give Amy credit. Despite everything, she came to the meeting tonight and sat through it all. And there was a lot. During the open mic, several speakers spoke at their dismay about Amy’s reassig
UFT: Are you ready to lose GHI-CBP?
On Wednesday, October 11th, following an audio leak of internal talks about the Request For Proposal (RFP) to select new healthcare insurance providers, UFT President Michael Mulgrew told us more about the pending healthcare switch than he has in a long time. Don’t get me wrong—that is